Friday was the last day of school...3rd grade for Thomas and Pre-K for Beck! Onto 4th and Kindergarten next year! To celebrate, we went camping out near Camp Sherman...
the papers they are holding say "Last Day of School! Thomas 3rd grade, Beck Pre-K"
Saturday morning, we headed to the
Wizard Falls Hatchery - it's the day they let kids onto the pond to fish. We arrived at 9 - found out it was a lottery for fishing times but lucked out and got the right color card for the early fishing slot.
Big Grins for the first fish of the day!
The boys had so much fun - Thomas had a new rod and reel and looked like a pro. It was Beck's first time fishing and he loved it! He kept wanting to go back when we were done - "Mom, I just want to cast some more".
Thomas tied two flies - he wants us to set up a space for him to do it at home now! Good thing we have the equipment and gear ready to go already.
Fish Print Painting....
They each got a fish that we brought home for dinner...which they both ate!!!!! Carl was less than enthused about the eating part but was a rock star with the catching part. The hatchery put on a great event - there was fly tying, story telling inside a huge blow up fish, an aquatic zoo with live bugs and fish and even fish print painting. All in all - a great way to kick off summer! Enjoy the video below!