C, C, T & B

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Carl!

Nothing like a visit to the pumpkin patch to start off your birthday right!

DD Ranch in Terrebonne never disappoints!  We loved it and the kids had such a fun time!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Lower Deschutes

I just found this in my draft folder.....  oh well.  Better late than never!

Carl had some time off planned to go fish the Lower Deschutes this year with some friends of his.  The steelhead are coming in so it's a perfect time to go.  Last minute he decided to take the boys and invited Katie & Joey to come along - as adult back up with the kids ...but mostly to get to show them an awesome place to go.  He is an awesome tour guide down there and I really was wishing I could have taken the time off work to join them.  Here are some pics - looks like they had so much fun!

Floating the creek!

A few weeks ago we drove up to Sparks Lake to float the creek from the road to the lake.  The water was ICE cold - but the kids braved it and had a great time.  Carl and Pat paddled the canoes, Jeannie and Chrissy walked along side to keep a hand available for kids overboard!

Thomas  & Beck floating away.... with Jackson and Claire

Lucas opted for the canoe - he didn't like the ICE cold water!  Smart boy.

Gorgeous day up there.  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A hodge podge of the summer so far....

A visit from Nana & Pops....

A visit from the New Zealand cousins.....

2nd place in the Hullabaloo Kids Crit

A visit from Lisa & Gaby....

More cousin time....

And a raft trip down the Grande Ronde

More fun to come soon!!!!!