C, C, T & B

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Green Eggs

Beck came home very excited about Dr. Seuss' birthday last week.  They had a celebration in class - reading all the oldies but goodies - ABC, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Cat in the Hat - and of course...Green Eggs and Ham.  All Beck could talk about Friday night was making Green Eggs and Ham - he asked me like 5 times if we could "Puleeze" make them!

I thought about it - and realized - he was so jazzed because it was the first time he'd read that book!  I have been depriving my child of one of the best books EVER - and it turns out to have a positive outcome...  he can't wait to eat something healthy!

So - I waited until our Tuesday egg pick up from our local CSA - and yay!  Green eggs in our egg containers!

Tuesday night's dinner was delicious!  (They don't look too green in this picture - but I promise they are!)

The down side was....  he figured out that the eggs aren't green on the INSIDE.  He was tragically disappointed....  so I added a little blue food coloring and wa-la!  Green Eggs - inside and out!

I was sure the actual green eggs would frighten him away form eating them... but nope - he gobbled them right up!  The ham...  well, not so much.

And the cheesy look?  Well, that's because I asked him for a smile showing me his teeth.  That'll teach me....

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