C, C, T & B

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Flying Babies

This post has absolutely nothing to do with our family - I just can't help posting these funny pics from Rachel Hulin. I mean - we all think babies are magical right? Does that mean they can fly when we aren't looking?

I just love surprises of the day in my google reader! Thank you to Cool Mom Picks for the laugh and inspiration of the day....

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Beach

“The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.”
--Isak Dinesen

After our plans to hike into a fire lookout in the moutains for a weekend of snow play and fun were derailed by potential avalanches and us being a little too scared to make the trek.... we rallied and came up with an equally fun weekend. Two boys + Sand + Water = One REALLY fun weekend!

Enjoy the slide show.....

If that slideshow is too small.... follow this link to see the pics close up!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Green Eggs

Beck came home very excited about Dr. Seuss' birthday last week.  They had a celebration in class - reading all the oldies but goodies - ABC, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Cat in the Hat - and of course...Green Eggs and Ham.  All Beck could talk about Friday night was making Green Eggs and Ham - he asked me like 5 times if we could "Puleeze" make them!

I thought about it - and realized - he was so jazzed because it was the first time he'd read that book!  I have been depriving my child of one of the best books EVER - and it turns out to have a positive outcome...  he can't wait to eat something healthy!

So - I waited until our Tuesday egg pick up from our local CSA - and yay!  Green eggs in our egg containers!

Tuesday night's dinner was delicious!  (They don't look too green in this picture - but I promise they are!)

The down side was....  he figured out that the eggs aren't green on the INSIDE.  He was tragically disappointed....  so I added a little blue food coloring and wa-la!  Green Eggs - inside and out!

I was sure the actual green eggs would frighten him away form eating them... but nope - he gobbled them right up!  The ham...  well, not so much.

And the cheesy look?  Well, that's because I asked him for a smile showing me his teeth.  That'll teach me....

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gaming Madness

As if Saturday wasn't full enough...we decided to add to the madness by inviting some friends over for a game night.  Thomas invited a few friends over and the chaos ensued.

We started by getting a few ya ya's out in the alley - nothing like a little wall ball in the snow.

Present for the festivities....  Jack, Max, Thomas, Ryan, Austyn, Beck & Will

Next on the agenda - no game night is complete without funny hat or glasses....  







and Max.

On the menu - Pizza, licorice, pretzels, orange soda

First game - Apples to Apples.  Then two LONG games of Clue.

Balloon rockets were the topper for the evening.

All in all - lots of fun and enough belly laughs to cure any illness.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Baseball tryouts in the snow.....

First - catch 3 pop flies.

And throw them to first.

 Next - field 3 grounders....

And last but not least - take 3 swings at bat.

After that snarf down some food in mom's car.

And then go play a killer basketball game!

Thomas shoots.... and he scores! (sorry it's so small.... can't seem to edit it!)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

100 Days

I seriously cannot believe how long it's been since I posted anything - I am terrible blogger.

Here's a pic from this week - Beck's class celebrated 100 days of school!  Doesn't he look thrilled?

The week before was Thomas' Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet.  This is where he "graduates" to the next level.  He's now a Webelos II.  Next step - Boy Scout.  Beck is begging to do scouts now too so I guess it's 5 more years of Blue & Gold Banquets for me.  Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't just have the urge to step in and organize it all myself - but I am practicing saying the word "no" over and over in my head!